Intercontinental Law Company: Consultation Law, Intellectual Property Law, Business Law, Investment Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Marriage and Family Law, Land and Housing Law, Labor Law…
Brand promotion and brand protection
Introduce products and services lively in order to sell products and goods professionally; develop the brand and increase the sales of company; affirm the brand value; decide the success of company. Advertise the brand to domestic and foreign customers. This solution is designed for new companies which need to have a growth break-through. Develop the brand, logo and website; quickly promote the image of brand, product and service including: Design the website promoting the company, logo design; advertisement of the brand key of company’s website;
Recovery of fading brand
You have tried your best to make your brand lively for a long time
It proves the failure during a long time of business
Companies which do not have enough time and money to look for new markets and reduce the spending as the only way of selection
The brand needs to be supported to be survived again, and obtain a positive value.
Office of Intercontinental Law Company (Intercontinental Law)
Address: 47/9 Nguyen Van Dau, W. 6, Binh Thanh District, HCMC
Tel: 08 35156066, Fax: 08 35156066, Proceedings: 090 72 53 883, Land and house: 091 81 80 879
Intercontinental Law Company is near Notary Public 6.
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